Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Test Two Notes

1. What is father Zossima's response to Ivan Karamazov's condemnation of God?

2. All of the following are positive except...
The devouring mother

3. What does “thchonic” mean?
Having to do with the underworld

4. What in TOWWAFO makes the utopic possible?
The torture of a small child

5. In a world in which the firemen burn books rather than put out fires, what do people have to do to preserve them?
Memorize them

6. What is the most common argument between a man and a woman?
You don't know what it's like to be me

7. What does Hera do to Tiresias?
Strikes him blind

8. What is the first principle of Buddhism?
All is suffering, all is fleeting

9. What kind of pet would Garrett not cry over when it died?
A fish

10. Does Anton Chechov condemn these people for their elicit love?

11. The answer to the Red Wheelbarrow question is the Red Wheelbarrow.

12. If Fydor Karamazov had to belong to an archtype, which one would he be?
The Trickster

13. Which archetype does Gruschenka belong to?
The Temptress

14. What macabre occupation does Annabelle have?
Suicide Cleanup

15. What is the man drawing in the short story where he puts his hand on top of the blind man's?

16. What kind of law does Antigone represent?
The law of the underworld, thchonic law

17. Professor Sexson has a learned colleague whose flaw is that he does not _____.

18. What poem lit up the instructor's face like a kid on Christmas morning?
Before You Leave The Classroom

19. What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
A simile uses like or as, a metaphor is a direct comparison.

20. What is Theodicy?
An attempt to justify a god who permits the suffering of the world.

21. Who in the cathedral is the only one who has a name?
The blind man

22. How did Antigone die?
She hanged herself

23. What was the object in TLWTPD that had significant impact on Dmitri?

24. Who is the tragic hero in Antigone?

25. What is the Grand Inquisitor's secret?
The church has corrected the problems that Jesus brought to the world (freedom)
Miracle, mystery, authority

26. Cliffsnotes are inadequate

27. What does misogynist mean?
Woman-hater (used in reference to Creon, other fields to plow)

28. Shakespearean vs. Italian sonnet

29. In Araby, who was it who inspired the boy to go to the carnival?
Mangan's sister

30. Who in the Brothers K seems to run away from the author?
All of them

31. In Antigone, what character represents the gods of the upperworld?

32. Sonnet Therapy

33. Creon and Antigone are foils to each other—a foil is a contrast to the main character.

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