Wednesday, April 21, 2010

No Boring Books?

I know that nobody really wants to hear what I have to say, but I had some thoughts about Team One's presentation on Monday, so I thought I would at least write them up so anyone who's feeling bored can know what I have to say. For anyone who somehow managed to miss class, Group One presented a debate about the argument that there is no such thing as a boring book, only a boring person. The argument was thrown somewhat off-track and never reached a conclusion. However, I beg to argue that a conclusion could not be reached. Is there such a thing as a boring book? I do not know about the word “boring,” but there are some pieces of literature—though I am loath to call them that—that provide very little insight upon the reading of them. I agree that all books have benefit for certain people at certain places in life, but the idea that any book can be interesting to any person as long as you come at it with the right mindset is a very slippery idea. There are some stories that some people cannot understand. Perhaps it is a mindset that they cannot bring themselves to take on, or a concept that they cannot grasp. Just as some people have a very difficult time understanding math, or science, some books are quite literally impossible for them to read. However, there are others who could digest the book quite easily. In putting the comparison in terms of food, it resembles someone with a food allergy or intolerance. Just as there are some people who cannot eat wheat, protein, or dairy products, some people cannot read and understand certain stories. Indeed, one might actually say that it could make them physically ill. Perhaps this comparison was a little bit out there, but I thought it was at least worth thinking about. Since the argument was never really resolved, I threw my own two cents into the lottery.

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