Monday, April 5, 2010

"It's all your fault!"

Oh dear. I have plenty of chances to overhear a man and a woman arguing. There is a guy who lives down the hall, and he and his on-again-off-again girlfriend fight all the time. In fact, occasionally I can hear them shouting without even having to step out of the room. Most of the time they scream (well, the girl screams and the guy yells) about something the other one has done wrong, or call each other names—I won't repeat them here—for reasons that I don't entirely understand. They also have a tendency to blame each other for things that aren't their fault. I have no idea how those two can spend so much time together when they fight so much, but maybe it's something that I won't ever understand. I'm the kind of person who goes out of her way to avoid conflict, so the idea of constantly bickering with someone isn't appealing at all. But perhaps it's not worth it to try to avoid fights—conflict is inevitable anyways, isn't it? There will always be someone fighting someone else, whether it's for a just cause or not. Anyways, those were my thoughts on the matter. I shall try to write more later, but right now I've got to consume some food before class.

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