Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Notes

1.what was so scandalous about the death of Father Zossima?
The odor of corruption
2.what is the name of Smerdyakov's Mother?
Stinking Lizaveta
3.what is one of the great lessons of Father Zossima?
Everyone is responsible for everyone else
paradise is here and now
4.who actually murdered Old Man Karamazov?
Smerdyakov did Smerdyakov actually die?
He hangs himself
6.the courtroom scenes depict...
the indictment of the legal system
7.which character was not discussed as a possible hero of the Brothers Karamazov?
8.The Grand Inquisitor (parable about Christ coming back to earth to give mankind free will, the Inquisitor executes him because people don't want freedon) is each brother responsible for the death of Fydor Karamazov?
Smerdyakov did the deed, Dmitri wanted to, Alyosha didn't stop it, and Ivan gave ideas
10.what was the evidence used to convict Dmitri?
The letter from Katerina
11.which character in the novel starts as highly critical of Aloysha Karamazov but later becomes his disciple?
Kolya Anne's presentation to the class, she presented the unusual idea that the true hero of the Brothers Karamazov is?
13.who did Hamlet think was behind the curtain?
14.Who was it, actually?
15.who is the one person who can match Hamlet's wit?
The gravedigger

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