Monday, October 1, 2012

To Be Without a Description of To Be.

We now know what the earth itself sounds like. one of the clearest examples we've ever heard. Keep in mind that it is not actually sound waves, no sounds that we can hear, but waves much deeper than that. Maybe deep isn't such a bad thing after all.

Steve Kemper is researching painting and Stevens; Paul Klee says that painting is simply to put color in the right place. Not only do Stevens' poems talk about poetry, but his prose does, too.

Everything is starting to draw together – just imagine how we'll look at things by the end of the semester. Words Chosen of Desire is a phrase drawn by Primitive of an Orb. We should only choose words out of desire; they will not work otherwise. Unfortunately we will not be able to read the entirety of Man With a Blue Guitar in class but we encourage you to do so anyway.

We're reaching the point in the semester where if you read peoples' blogs you can get a pretty idea of what's going on in class because that is what we talk about. You should probably watch the video that Alexandra put on her blog, though. And read Spencer's poem, because it's pretty rad.

Also, if you're sad, try writing sonnets until you will feel better. It's worked for me when I try it, though I should try it more. I might have my own harmonium by now.

"My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier you'll be a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the Pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso."

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