Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An Unexplained Completion.

We will have no class on November 12 or November 15. The prologues are over, and now is the time to choose your project. Within the next 10 days, begin to work on your project and tell us what it is. If you are behind on your blog, please catch up – it's quite an easy thing to do.

Postpone the anatomy of summer, as
The physical pine, the metaphysical pine.
Let's see the very thing and nothing else.
Let's see it with the hottest fire of sight.
Burn everything not part of it to ash.

Trace the gold sun about the whitened sky
Without evasion by a single metaphor.

← Take that and hang it up on your wall. Read the Dao of Pooh if you get a chance. Only fools can make a tree, and only poets can see things as they really are.

If you're wondering who won the debate, watch the video above.

If we have come from the void, why are we so afraid of going back to it? There's nothing to be afraid of anymore.

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