Monday, October 8, 2012


The presentations that we've seen the last couple days are good ideas for how your project should be. Talk about things that get you in your blogs; write about poems that just get you and you can't stop thinking about them. Work. Work with your poems, and use all the assets you have to shape together your project. Tat Tvam Asi is the word of the day; it means everything you think you are and everything you think you are perceive are one.

Stevens was possessed with getting it right; he spent his entire life trying to do so. Poetry is not entertainment; it is a great deal more than that, a destructive force, poetry is the thing itself. We are in search of nothing less than the Truth and the Reality. Stevens heard things that he should not have been able to hear because of the alchemical work he had been performing on himself.

There is a line between imagination and reality and Stevens dots it with his poems. It shows the mimicry, the transition, the dance between the two. He gives us the entire spectrum of human experience. Everything is changing, in the state of flux, encountering the swerve.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds...”

The real is only the base, but it is the base. Let's just see things as they are, without metaphor. If it were possible to be a thinking stone we would not have so much homework to do.

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