Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Test Notes


1. Arnold Friend is ______________.
a) The Devil
b) The Demon Lover
c) The Imagination
d) And all that

2. Grimm vs. Perrault
Perrault ends with the moral of the story, Grimm ends with everything set aright. The question will assume that you know the endings of both stories (and which is which)

3. Twisted, cruel, alienating, ugly, deformed—what word are we looking for (describes the works of Flannery O'Connor)?

4. What is the difference between the Smooth Talk ending and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?
Ambiguity is implied in the end of Joyce Carol Oates' story. The film was taking liberties. Pay close attention to what the story actually says, not to what you infer from it.

5. What is the difference between the woman in the “Demon Lover” and Connie?
What is the woman giving up to go with her lover? A husband and children.

6. Archetype: an image or a pattern that is repeated in literature and fantasy

7. Who did Joyce Carol Oates say she dedicated her story to?
Bob Dylan—It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

8. Why did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?
She looked back at the destruction of the city

9. Who said that we should “tell the truth, but tell it at a slant”?
Emily Dickinson

10. Because I could not stop for death...
he kindly stopped for me.

11. The slanting rays of the setting sun refers to what?
Alyosha's first memory of his mother

12. Although Alyosha is highly spiritual, he is still inflicted with the Karamazov curse, which is...?
Libido, sensuality

13. The three boys represent these three things...
Alyosha: spiritual (man of the spirit)
Ivan: intellectual (man of the mind)
Dmitri: primal (man of the earth)

14. What is anemnesis?
Remembering (specifically dreams in this class)

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