Friday, February 26, 2010

Becoming Archetype

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that the assignment given to us on Wednesday slipped my mind until just this morning. We were supposed to research the female archetype. After looking through several pages of links, I found that most of them mentioned four different archetypes, coinciding with the stages of one's life, which reminded me of the Sphynx's riddle to Oedipus. What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening? Anyways, the four basic archetypes are the virgin, the temptress, the mother, and the crone. The virgin, obviously, is the young one, beautiful, pure, untainted by the immorality of her world. Then she grows up, discovers the power that she has, and becomes the temptress, the seductress, the black widow as it were. The mother archetype is a common symbol of fertility, domestic pursuits, and the nurturing instinct. Last but not least, the crone, no longer considered attractive or desirable. Instead, she is seen as uncomfortable, as the grandmother in A Good Man Is Hard To Find, or even sometimes as a witch. Anyways. That's what I found. I don't have much else to report, but I wanted to at least get that much up.

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