Friday, November 2, 2012

Tempestuous Bird.

The whole of appearance is a toy. For this,
The dove in the belly builds his nest and coos,

Selah, tempestuous bird. How is it that
The rivers shine and hold their mirrors up,

Like excellence collecting excellence?
How is it that the wooden trees stand up

And live and heap their panniers of green
And hold them round the sultry day? Why should

These mountains being high be, also, bright,
Fetched up with snow that never falls to earth?

And this great esplanade of corn, miles wide,
Is something wished for made effectual

And something more. And the people in costumes,
Though poor, though raggeder than ruin, have that

Within them right for terraces—oh, brave salut!
Deep dove, placate you in your hiddenness.

So this is my poem, in case I haven't posted it already, and I think I've finally got it memorized! If we are still to present our poems to the class, I should probably do that today, seeing as I'll be in Seattle all of next week for a senior field trip in design. We'll see how that goes, what with my great frankenstein boot and all.

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