Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let's Make a Plan.

Lucretian Sublime in Wallace Stevens LIT 438 Fall 2012-Sexson
9/10-14 Reading Harmonium, especially “Sunday Morning.” Assignment: Read “Two or Three Ideas,” p. 839.
9/17-21 Read “Ideas of Order,” with emphasis on: Waving Adieu, Idea of Order at Key West, How to Live, American Sublime, Sad Strains, Evening without Angels. Prose: Figure of Youth as Virile Poet, p. 666
9/24-28 Read ”Man with the Blue Guitar” 135. Prose: Three Academic Pieces, p. 680
10/1-5 Read “Parts of a World” , p. 177. Esp. Poems of our Climate, Study of 2 Pears, On the Road Home, Latest Freed Man, Dezembrum, Of Modern Poetry, Mrs. Alfred Uruguay, Asides on Oboe.
10/8-12 Continue reading Parts of a World. Prose: Effects of Analogy, p. 707
10/15-18 Read Transport to Summer, p. 255. Esp. Motive for Metaphor, Esthetique du Mal, Flyer’s Fall, Men Made out of Words, House was Quiet, Dove in the Belly, Credences of Summer, NOTES TOWARD A SUPREME FICTION.
10/22-26 Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction, p. 329.
10/29-N2 Read “Auroras of Autumn” p.355. Esp. Title poem, Large Red Man, Primitive like an Orb, Angel Surrounded by Paysans. Prose: Imagination as Value, p 724
11/5-9 Week to catch up. Individual presentations 1.
11/12-15 No class Nov 12. SOLARIS-- LEM (Possibly Tarkovsky’s film version). Discussion.
11/18-22 Read: “The Rock,” esp. Plain Sense, Hermitage, Old Philosopher in Rome, World as Meditation, Final Soliloquy, The Rock, Planet of Table. Not Ideas. Read “Late Poems” esp. Course of Particular, Child Asleep, Of Mere Being, p. 476 Prose: Poetry and Painting, p. 740.
11/25-29 Projects Part 1.
12/3-7 Projects Part 2. NO CLASS ON DEC 7. Instead, attend Pirsig “Event” at 7pm in place to be designated.

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