Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Drunken Epiphanies

Talking today about the word epiphany, and how that's basically the word for your god taking over you, reminded me of something else I've encountered recently. For the few people who weren't already convinced that I'm a complete nerd, a group of friends and I recently started playing a game called Pathfinder. When we were building characters, my boyfriend decided that he would play a cleric, and found that required him to select a patron deity, and complete some sort of ritual that would "reconnect" the two of them and fill the character with his deity's power. My boyfriend being the sort of guy he is picked Cayden Cailean, the god of, well, booze, who's a bit like Dionysus. That's his holy symbol up there. And of course the best way to connect with the god of freedom and wine is through happy hour. Upon going and reading the page I've provided above, it's somewhat surprising to find that Cayden Cailean, like Dionysus, was not born a god. Read the page to find out how it happened!

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