Friday, August 31, 2012

I Have No Life, Except In Poetry.

How in the world could Wallace Stevens write poetry for children?

Everyone should have their blog url sent by Tuesday! Your blog will be the most important assignment in this class, so be sure to make it interesting for your classmates. Exemplary blogs will be displayed.

The planet on the table refers to the book!

James' dream of a buck with red eyes in a dark alleyway; bucks are passion and the firecat is your psychic intuition.

Are Stevens' poems for children, or are they for the children in us? They celebrate the marriage of sky and earth and water, to recreate this period in all of our lives when we were not yet aware. Learning to speak is your downfall – you learn to speak and lose your innocence. The poems are not just about synesthesia or dyslexia, they are synesthetic and dyslexic.

Wallace Stevens only talks about one subject, and once you know it, all of his poems make sense. One must always keep the dance between imagination and reality in mind, but which one is which?

Think of all the poems in this way and things will become a lot less clear than they were before. He believes that we have lost sight of the earth and we need to regain that consciousness

  • Everything is made of invisible particles
  • They are indestructible and eternal
  • The elementary particles are infinite in number but limited in shape and size
  • All particles are in motion in an infinite void
  • The universe has no creator or designer
  • Everything comes into being as a result of the swerve

The ceaseless mutation of forms composed of indestructible substances is the greatest thought that mankind has ever hit upon.

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